Can Dogs Have Coconut Water? A Guide to Benefits and Serving Sizes

Yes, dogs can safely consume coconut water in moderation as an occasional treat. Coconut water is generally non-toxic for dogs, assuming it’s natural and free from added sugars and artificial ingredients.
This guide will show you the benefits your dog can acquire by drinking coconut water, why it can be a good occasional treat, and why it can’t substitute for regular water.
Benefits of Coconut Water
Besides happy doggy face (yes, they love its taste), here are a few benefits of coconut water for dogs:
- Hydration: Coconut water is composed mainly of water and electrolytes like potassium, which can help hydrate dogs, especially after exercise or illness.
- Nutrition: Coconut water is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and calcium, contributing to healthy skin and a thicker coat.
- Digestive health: Coconut water has many health benefits, one of which is aiding in digestion.
- Eliminating free radicals: Free radicals are unstable molecules in the body that can cause harm. Coconut water contains antioxidants that can break down such radicals.
- Low-calorie count: Unsweetened coconut water is shallow in calories, making it a healthier option than sugary drinks for dogs watching their weight.
To acquire these benefits without digestive issues, coconut water should be given as an occasional treat rather than a daily beverage. Offering it a few times a week is typically sufficient. As for how much, here’s a quick guide:
- Small Dogs (up to 20 lbs): 1-2 tablespoons
- Small Dogs (up to 20 lbs): 1-2 tablespoons
- Large Dogs (over 50 lbs): 4-6 tablespoons
Is Coconut Water a Substitute for Regular Water?
No, it’s not. While coconut water has many benefits, it’s not to be used instead of water.
Too much coconut water can potentially lead to digestive upset due to its electrolyte content. As such, it should be given as an occasional treat rather than a primary source of hydration.
Can Dogs Have Coconut Milk?
Yes, dogs can have coconut milk, but just like coconut water, it must be given in moderation as a happy treat. The frequency should also be less than coconut water because the milk is more prosperous and contains more fats and electrolytes.
So, unless you want a dog bod mixed with some digestive issues on your pup’s belly, it’s always better to keep around three days between each serving. In other words, it should be less frequent compared to coconut water.
For example, if you treat your pup with coconut water three times a week, milk should be given only twice a week. And no, your dog shouldn’t have a day for water and a day for milk. That’s cheating.
The Verdict
There you have it. 2-4 tablespoons of coconut water three times a week, or two times a week in the case of coconut milk, should make your pup happy without causing digestive issues or making them chubby.
It’s always better to consult your vet if anything is wrong. Google is for information, not diagnosis. Remember that.