What Does ‘Ops’ Mean on Snapchat? Unravelingthe the Slang and Its Various Interpretations

The world of social media shorthand has become all the rage. Using acronyms and slang is now pretty much how teenagers and young adults communicate.
While this certainly makes it easier to text fast and is way less time-consuming, much of it can be confusing to understand, especially if you’re new to these platforms and their lingo.
One example is the abbreviation ‘ops,’ which has become popular on various social media outlets. Today, we’re focusing on one platform in particular: Snapchat.
So, what does ‘ops’ mean on Snapchat and what are the different contexts in which it can be used?
Let’s find out!
What Does ‘Ops’ Mean on Snapchat?
The term ‘ops’ can be used to mean different things no matter which social media platform you’re using. The meaning depends on the context in which you’re using it.
On Snapchat, ‘ops’ is often used in group chats to see if anyone in the group is interested in getting together and doing a certain activity or event.
‘Ops’ can also be used in Snaps and Stories on Snapchat. In this context, it could mean that the person sending the message is interested in pursuing new experiences or opportunities.
However, the shorthand ‘ops’ is most commonly used in text messages between friends. In this frame of reference, the abbreviation is meant to show they want their friends’ opinion on something or that they’re available for a certain activity like having lunch.
The Most Common Meaning for ‘Ops’ on Snapchat
You’ve probably seen the standalone abbreviation ‘ops’ on users’ photos, stories, or videos on Snapchat. In addition to using this term on their Snapchat story captions, users can also use it when texting.
In this context, it’s meant to be used as an open invitation for anyone who wants to share their thoughts and opinions on any given topic. Many consider it to have a similar meaning to ‘to be honest’ (tbh), which also refers to the user accepting public opinion.
So, if someone writes, “Ops on Tom,” what they’re referring to is that they want you to share your thoughts on what Tom said or did.
Different Interpretations of ‘Ops’ on Snapchat
On Snapchat, ‘ops’ can refer to different interpretations based on how it’s used. We rounded up some of the most common ways ‘ops’ is used as well as some possible contexts.
- Opportunities: For example, one friend can send a text saying, “Ops for coffee?” This means they’re asking if their friend is available to meet up and have a cup of coffee. Yet, it’s more commonly used in gaming communities
- Operations: refers to a person’s upcoming activities or plans
- Options: in this context, it can be used to ask about someone’s choices or scheduled plans
- Office of Public Safety: usually used in reference to government dealings
- Outpatient surgery: typically used in a medical context
How to Respond to ‘Ops’ on Snapchat?
There may be other interpretations of ‘ops’ on Snapchat besides the three mentioned above. So, make sure you pay close attention to the context in which ‘ops’ is used to fully grasp what it’s referring to.
Once you understand what it’s in reference to, then you can post an adequate response. If someone is asking for your ‘opinion,’ answer them directly and share your thoughts as briefly and honestly as you can.
A Final Note
So, what does ‘ops’ mean on Snapchat? Apparently, the popular shorthand slang can be used to mean different things.
The trick to understanding which meaning is being used is to take the time to familiarize yourself with its various connotations. This way, you’ll have a much more enjoyable time using the app, and you’ll be able to better communicate with your friends and followers.